Coding Workshop: p5.JS Processing Sketch
I found my visual inspiration from I liked this image's colors and blocky repetitive style therefore, I incorporated it within my code. I also used resources like Chat GPT and p5.JS reference page to help me code this quickly while making sure everything worked the way I envisioned.
let loadingBarWidth = 400; // Canvas width
let loadingBarHeight = 50; // Loading bar height
let blockCount = 20; // Number of blocks for the loading bar
let progress = 0; // Progress percentage (from 0 to 1)
let speed = 0.01; // Speed of loading progress
function setup() {
createCanvas(loadingBarWidth, loadingBarHeight);
function draw() {
// Update progress
progress += speed;
// Reset progress when the bar is full
if (progress > 1) {
progress = 0;
// Draw the loading bar with progress
drawLoadingBar(0, 0, progress);
// Draw the blocky vertical line in the middle
drawBlockyLine(width / 2, 0, loadingBarHeight);
function drawLoadingBar(x, y, progress) {
// Loop through blocks to fill the loading bar progressively
for (let i = 0; i < blockCount; i++) {
let blockWidth = loadingBarWidth / blockCount; // Width of each block
let blockHeight = random(30, loadingBarHeight); // Random height for blocky effect
let blockX = x + i * blockWidth;
// Only draw blocks up to the current progress
if (blockX < progress * loadingBarWidth) {
// Gradient color effect for each block
let blockColor = lerpColor(color(0, 0, 255), color(200, 100, 255), i / blockCount);
// Draw the blocky segments within the loading bar
rect(blockX, y + (loadingBarHeight - blockHeight) / 2, blockWidth, blockHeight);
function drawBlockyLine(x, y, totalHeight) {
let numBlocks = 6; // Number of blocks in the vertical line
let blockWidth = 10; // Thickness of the vertical blocks
let blockHeight = totalHeight / numBlocks; // Height of each block
for (let i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) {
let randomHeight = random(blockHeight * 0.5, blockHeight * 1.5); // Randomize block height
fill(random(50, 150), random(100, 255), random(150, 255)); // Random block color
rect(x - blockWidth / 2, y + i * blockHeight, blockWidth, randomHeight);